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(From Yelp) I purchased a full-day handyman package from The Home Hero last year and was absolutely delighted with all they work they were able to do in that time. The handyman was polite, considerate, and kept me up to date on his progress and completion expectations. I was so happy, that when I received a gift certificate (awesome gift!) for another package that I knew I had to start saving up a lot of chores for my next visit from them!

Randall came out today and was just a pleasure. He made a huge dent in the (extensive) list I had compiled. He cut a hole in my ceiling for a plumber to investigate a leak, hung up 4 custom blinds, recaulked around my tub and windows, stabilized a tilting cabinet, replaced the vanity light in the bathroom, and sealed some holes in my bathroom ceiling fixture! All this with a run to Home Depot to pick up supplies I requested! I honestly couldn’t be happier and I know another gift certificate from The Home Hero will be on my next wish list!